Tips for Successfully Launching Your IT Career

Tips for Successfully Launching Your IT Career

Starting out in the IT field might feel a little overwhelming at first. But with a bit of strategic preparation and the right mindset, you should be able to kick-start a rewarding career in this fast-paced field.

Build Your Technical Foundation

While you don’t necessarily need a 4-year college degree, developing a solid grasp of the fundamentals is really important. The experts over at ProTrain explain that earning the CompTIA A+ certification helps to demonstrate your skills with computer systems, software, networking, security, and operational procedures. This is knowledge most employers want new IT hires to have at the very least.

Gain Professional Experience

While building your technical knowledge base, try to actively pursue opportunities to get professional IT experience under your belt. Think about an internship, entry-level job, apprenticeship, freelance gig, or even volunteering your tech skills. Any real-world exposure allows you to apply your learning, become familiar with …

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Are YOU Stifling Your Own Career? No 3 - The Lure of Qualifications

Are YOU Stifling Your Own Career? No 3 – The Lure of Qualifications

From the day of your birth you have been nurtured, cared for and steered by others in the direction that will hopefully meet the challenge of a preparation for life and self-responsibility. Your parents and the education system have been the main parties in this endeavour. And a large part of their goal must have been to prepare you for the work-place. So… what to do?


If we go back 50 years when less than 5% of kids went to University, the impact of further education was far greater than today. A degree was regarded as a passport to a career and meant, almost without exception, that you would never be unemployed. You would be placed on a pedestal by employers, given the opportunities in the work-place to which others were not entitled and …

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Recent Polls Show Four Year Colleges Are Not for Everyone

Recent Polls Show Four Year Colleges Are Not for Everyone

A college degree is central to most people’s conception of the “American Dream,” but the dearth of good jobs resulting from the economic downturn has people re-evaluating exactly what a college degree looks like.

The Associated Press and Stanford University teamed up to poll over 1,000 adults nationwide; the poll measured their opinions of educational quality in four-year colleges and universities versus community colleges and technical schools.

The vast majority of those polled, nearly 70%, said that many community colleges offer an education as good as one from a four-year school. The majority of respondents also noted that it’s “sometimes better for students to pursue a diploma or certificate from a two-year school than aim to enter a four-year college.”

Larry Wyse, one of the adults interviewed for the survey, said that the traditional mindset that “every student should attend a four-year college,” is frustrating. Wyse, who holds …

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Online Medical Schools - Are They Your Best Option?

Online Medical Schools – Are They Your Best Option?

Online medical schools and every other type of online schools seem to get a bad rap sometimes. The truth is that there are some cons about taking only classes online but, there are also a whole bunch of pros as well. Many people will tell you that if you get an online degree and go for a job while someone with a regular degree is applying as well, you will not get the job. Now, that is simply not true. The hiring manager will look at you both with an even eye because you have taken the same exact classes but one was online and the other was not.

There are several disadvantages to going to an online medical school such as Kaplan College. The first and maybe largest disadvantage is, you don’t get that face time that you would get with your teacher if you weren’t online.

Another disadvantage to …

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Government Measures Aimed At Curbing Rural

EducationDonald Trump, in a September 8th speech in Cleveland given little media attention, mentioned he would use the ability of the Presidency to have all 50 states use public tax money to pay for personal and religious faculty tuition. Together with unstructured play, my kids also do a spread of other, extra structured, bodily education activities as well. A task is a 10-minute, educational (however enjoyable!) activity that fourth and fifth graders will complete in groups of six. Subsequently, the final word content material and scope of population education will depend upon the goal group. In fact, for my part, anybody who attended college and elect to go together with someone undereducated is losing his/her college education.

The sad half is that their dream will ultimately explode as actuality sets in. What once worked very well in education no longer works. Great lens – I love the giggle poetry from …

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